Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I'm feelin' it.

My good friend Surly gave me a plug today and wrote a rather interesting post. It seems, that he too, has been struggling with these blog thingies. As I said before, this is my third attempt. The first one was OK but I thought I wanted one that I could spout off about my conservative politics and all around hatred for the way our country is spiraling down the crapper. (I promised Mrs. Mike I would not do that to our blog) Well, the only thing that did was make me an angry bazz-turd. It was also becoming a chore to sit down in a small room with a chair that reminded me of work and write something interesting. I just decided to delete them both and start over some day. So after talking about it, and saying I would do it a hundred times, I started a new blog and decided it would be fun to just ramble about things. If only three people ever read it, so be it. This time, I look forward to writing stuff down and I feel good about it. Oh yeah, I got a laptop, so I can sit on my comfy couch instead of the "computer room".

some gratuitous cursing
Thanks again Surly!! Not only for the plug, but, you actually inspired me to do this. You will have to take the full blame for this one.

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