I've got Lewis Black on the TV. I like to watch him because he kind of reminds me of myself. He is a spaz. He cusses to pass time between thoughts. He gets so excited about what he's saying, his arms are flailing and his fingers are twitching and the volume of his voice changes about 40db during every sentence. The only thing I've got against him is; he is a full blown hypocrite liberal. That's OK though. He makes me laugh. Funny is funny, no matter what your politics, sexual preference, race, religion, or nationality is. Laughter, to me, is an international language. Make me laugh and we are instantly friendly.
I live on a street that is becoming increasingly busier every week. About 1 1/2 miles east of my house, the D.O.T built an interchange connecting our street to the local N/S expressway. That has increased our traffic three fold. Our
Let me start by saying something. Nobody appreciates first responders more than I do. You may appreciate them as much, just not any more than I. That being said. I just do not understand why two to for squad cars have to speed down my two lane street doing at least 60 mph to an accident that has already occurred. The speed limit is 25mph here so a car doing 60 is a BIG deal. Rarely do they have sirens sounding. You can hear the engines screaming and the air whistling through the light bar but no sirens. Just an hour ago, three squads whipped through here splitting both lanes at a pretty good clip. WTF. I want my first responders to get to the scene fast, but, they need to make sure they're going to get there without injuring someone else first. Seriously, what's gonna happen when the kids are crossing the street to get to the new park and they don't hear the whistling light bar and can't see around the cars going both directions. I pray it never does happen like that.
Enough bitching. Seriously, next time you see a first responder or an armed serviceman/woman, offer to buy their coffee or something like that. Most will decline, but they really do deserve the offer. Remember this; when you are running out of your burning house or running away from the bad guys, the cops and fireman are running towards the danger. Have a great weekend!
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