Thursday, August 19, 2010

Smile for me Dad!! Show me your grill!!

I came home today and walked up the back steps and looked at the broke ass grill for about the 100th time this summer. Something finally snapped in my head. I thought to myself, F this, you should be grilling tonight! That is exactly what you are gonna do. Go get the cussin' thing before you change your mind.

Last week we got our "bonus checks" from work. It is actually a "share of the profits". They keep telling us how strong our company is, and how we are making money hand over fist. We are putting money in the bank because there is so much of it, we don't have anything else to do with it. Why is it the profit share only gets smaller? Don't get me wrong. I am in no way complaining. If it was $3.67, that's $3.67 more than I had when I woke up that day. I am no fool. There are people that are gonna go to work tomorrow and find out it is their last day. I would trade in the cash tomorrow if someone could assure me that I will have my job for the next ten years. Anyway, the point was supposed to be, I had the check and I should use it to buy something I normally wouldn't. So, I did, and now Ima grillin'.

I have not grilled with charcoal in about fifteen years. I figured I should start with some burgers. I don't think I could live with myself if I ruined a $10 steak. They came out perfect and Mini Mike said it was the best thing he has ever eaten. He might have been stretching it a little. He likes to make people feel good. He succeeded. Good kid, he is. After all is said and done, I'm happy with my new piece of manliness and so are Mrs. Mike and Mini Mike. I can't wait till tomorrow to try something else.

Nothing new with the "Rattle Can Restoration" of the tractor. I'll spend a couple hours on it this weekend. For those of you that don't know us personally, Mrs. Mike is training for the Chicago Marathon. She has a 16 miler this weekend. That will be a perfect time for some garage time. I sure am proud of her. She is doing it for nothing else but the challenge. Good for her.

I kinda shot to all fields on this one. I'm a ramblin man today. That was really dumb. I'm done now.


  1. I love you more now than the day I married you. You are a great man. You're my keeper. TEARS! Dammit.

    This would make a nice road trip for you and mini Mike. Get a look at some cool stuff.

  3. Love you too, Dear.
    Thanx for the link, Ma. Love you too.
